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T R A N S F O R M A T I O N A L LIFE C O A C H | M O T I V A T I O N A L S P E A K E R | W R I T E R

One-Time Session of Insight
1-Hour Coaching Session
If you are seeking guidance and clarity in your life, this is an opportunity to experience a transformative coaching sessions tailored specifically for you
​In this one-time session, we will dive deep into your unique challenges and goals, providing you with valuable insight and actionable steps to move forward!

8 weeks of one-on-one
1-hour Coaching Session
Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions.
​24/7 email access: Stay connected and receive ongoing support throughout our time together.
​Weekly coaching tools and skills to help you grow and achieve your goals.
Commit to two months of
transformation with this comprehensive
package, which includes:

12 Weeks of One-On-One
1-Hour Coaching Sessions
​​​​Embark on a transformative journey with this 12-week coaching program, designed to help you become the best version of yourself.
Weekly 1-Hour coaching sessions for 12 Weeks.
24/7 email access with me throughout our time together.
4 online sessions of 20 minutes (each) learning mindfulness guided meditation tailored just for you and our work together.
Weekly coaching tools and skills to help you grow to be the best version of you!
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